Ok, my workroom looks like an art grenade went off so I decided that some spring cleaning and organization was in order this weekend. I went through all of my recycled paper pile and did a whole lot of shredding. I shredded a bunch of bright spring green – a couple of envelopes, some tissue paper from a gift, and a lime green paper bag that came home from a gift shop in Paris last summer. This is the resulting blend of sludge. Gross, I know, but it really will be pretty…

Here is the pulp drying on my screens, which are designed to make sheets of paper that are the exact size of my cards (28 x 22 cm or, when the card is folded 14 x 11 cm)

At the top left are a few sheets that dried faster than the rest – you can see how the colour has lightened.

Now the rest have dried (see how much lighter they look?) and can be peeled off the frames.

I still have a bit of bright green shred left, so I’m making another batch to which I have added a bit of leftover green construction paper and some white (from shredded VISA statements.) This is the shredded paper in the blender without water added…

Here it is with water in it…

And here is the pulp – this batch will be a little bit lighter hue than the first.
Now that I have a bunch of paper shredded, I will start working on some cards to bring my stock up a bit.
That’s it for today I think. I would love some feedback, so feel free to post comments or ask questions. Thanks for reading!
Cool! Now I want to make some paper. ON second thought, I’ll leave that to you and knit instead. I love the vivid colours.